Sunday, March 11, 2018

brown house

It's been 2.5 weeks and I think we're finally getting back on our feet after one of the busiest weeks we've ever had. Here's a quick run-down of the highlights.

Friday, February 23: Our official move day
9 am: Three movers arrive to deal with all the big stuff that we haven't been able to move ourselves over the last 5 weeks. They mention that they have another move scheduled later in the day, so I'm optimistic that they'll be done mid-afternoon and Dan and I get some work done at the new house before picking Mae up from day care. I head straight to the new house after dropping her off to clean the floors before they get covered by furniture.
11 am: One of the movers quits and goes to spend the rest of the day sulking in the truck. My confidence in a mid-afternoon end time is waning.
Noon: Dan calls me to let me know there's water backing up in the basement of the old house... one last hurrah from our plumbing.
4 pm: Movers finish loading the truck. Plumber finishes draining the basement. I finish calculating how much this day is going to cost and then promptly block the number from my mind.
5 pm: I leave to pick up Mae from day care and try to think of something to do with her until the move is over. Time to wander around the grocery store for an hour.
8 pm: Movers finally finish unloading everything. We celebrate with fish sandwiches and a hot dog for Mae (she's a heathen and doesn't observe Lenten Fridays).

Saturday, February 24: First day in the new house
1:23 am: Archie is born!
7 am: I casually run 13 miles like it ain't no thang. Remember when that was the culmination of months of hard work for me? Now I'm only half way to my goal!
10 am: Dan heads off to the movies for Day 1 of the Oscar Best Picture Showcase, leaving me to entertain (and keep safe) a toddler amidst a mountain of cardboard boxes surrounded by un-babyproofed electrical outlets.
11 am: Problem solved: Chick-fil-a play area to the rescue!
1 pm: I say a little prayer that Mae takes a good nap for me despite the fact that sunlight is streaming in her bedroom window. I had grand plans of having her room entirely put together before move day (paint, curtains, rug, decorations, etc), and those things still aren't completely done! I only managed to paint the ceiling and walls.
8 pm: Dan decides that 4 movies wasn't quite enough for one day, so he sticks around the theater and buys a ticket for "Black Panther."

Sunday, February 25: Guess we didn't learn our lessons
Dan texts me this picture of my old photo album documenting our move to our old house in 2012.

We've accumulated a bit more stuff (and an additional family member) in the last 6 years.

Wednesday, February 28: One last visit to the old house
Goodbye, stained glass window. Goodbye, Nolan tree. Good riddance, basement.

Thursday, March 1: D-Day
Oh, you thought move day was D-day? Uh-uh, nope. I've been training for a day like this my WHOLE LIFE.
8 am: I drop Mae off at day care. There is no room for a toddler in today's schedule.
9 am: Closing for our old house. We've been going back every night since move day to collect stuff like the sandbox that got left behind by the movers. Every night... more and more junk packed into the Mazda and then unpacked at the new house. We bring a box of celebratory donuts to the closing. No one else wants one. I eat two.
11 am: I arrive at work, hopped up on donuts and adrenaline. I have a big review today. I mean "Big" as in, "I've-been-working-towards-this-for-over-a-year Big."
Noon: I head to the review early and eat the free catered lunch... chicken cordon bleu with plain rice. It tastes like airplane food... my favorite! (Yes, really.)
1 pm: Presentation begins.
2 pm: And just like that... it's over. Time for a celebratory drink!

Mae handled this crazy week pretty well (with just a few more "hold me" requests than usual). She is adjusting well to life in "brown house," as she calls it. I think it helps that she has her own playroom just off the kitchen! Plus, we are super close to the park, and there is a cat next door that we can follow all over the yard while saying "meow. meow. meow."

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