Wednesday, July 20, 2022

wedding trip part 3

The day after the wedding was Colin's birthday! We were dragging a bit in the morning after getting to bed well past midnight and waking up at Colin o'clock (6 a.m.). After brunch with Jim and Ed, we gathered up all our stuff and drove to the beach. Everyone fell asleep except on the way (except me... but it was a struggle to stay awake to drive). We collected a few more license plates for our sticker game.
I baked cupcakes and we celebrated Colin's birthday with a pizza dinner. We got in a little beach time that evening, even though we didn't bother to change into our swim suits!
Mae spent almost every waking minute at the beach. She jumped in the waves, splashed around on the boogie board, dug holes, and defended her picnic lunch from the seagulls. She is a beach kid for sure.
Colin spent Monday morning at the beach. He loved digging in the sand and being towed around on the boogie board by Batman. At one point he was sitting up too high and at risk of tipping off the board, so I said, "Colin, lay down" thinking he would lay on his belly and prop himself up on his elbows. Instead, he spent the rest of the time being pulled around with his face flat on the board!
Unfortunately Colin got sick Monday night and spent the next couple days nursing a fever and a stomachache. Fortunately no one else seemed to catch his germs. Colleen came downstairs to check on us after we (Dan) got him cleaned up Monday night. Colin was sitting on the couch holding a bowl (in case he got sick again). He just looked at her and said, "I bucket." So heart wrenching. I'm glad he got a little time at the beach at least!
We carried on our sand sculpture traditions: sea witches with David and mermaid tails with mom!
Thanks for an amazing wedding and a great beach trip!

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