Wednesday, December 4, 2019

a fall mae-cation

We had a fun time with GranE when she came for a short Mae-cation in early November. I didn't manage to take many photos, but we packed a good amount of activities into just a few days!

While Dan and I went to work on Thursday, GranE and Mae enjoyed their typical day: fashion show in the morning with all the new clothes that GranE brought for Mae followed by a trip to the coffee shop for a jelly-filled cookie. They played blocks and magnatiles before having Mae's (current) favorite lunch: peanut butter and jelly. (I'm excited that Mae has finally developed a taste for peanut butter. Makes life much easier when there's no real lunch food in the house!)

GranE even got this photo... as proof that Mae SOMETIMES snuggles! Usually she's just way too wiggly, but she loves to snuggle GranE!

Even as a tiny baby, GranE was her favorite snuggler.

On Friday, I got to tag along on the morning coffee shop trip. We followed it up with a trip to our local toy store, which has added an awesome play area in the basement. Saturday, we attended a family event organized by my group at work. It was held at our local "fowling" facility, which is a hybrid of football and bowling. (You throw a football at bowling pins that are set up on a board, kind of like cornhole. It's surprisingly challenging, mostly due to the unpredictable football bounce.) They also had a couple bouncy houses and a giant inflatable slide where we spent most of our time. GranE and I both took Mae down the slide a couple times. So fun!

It was a fun little Mae-cation!

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